Promis.e Help

Project API Builder

This dialog lets the user automate the building of new projects or for changing existing ones.

Accessed from:

  • Output Ribbon > Automation Tools Group

In the dialog, the user is prompted to select the Instruction File (.XLS format), and Log File location.

When activated, the Project API Builder executes a series of functions that are defined in the Excel file. For complex applications, such as the building of attachments that are based on variables, additional software is necessary. This can be made with any development environment that runs on the operating system and can create or edit Excel files. For example, for databases, all that is necessary is an interface that changes the data into the Excel format of the project API builder.

Note: This tool requires that you have MS-Excel on your computer as the input file is an MS-Excel file with the ending xls.
Instruction Field Enter or browse to the Excel instruction file.
Log File (Optional) Enter or browse to the name of the log file. This file logs the functions executed by the Project API Builder as it runs. If there are problems you can examine the contents of the log file to see where the problems occur. If you enter the name of a log file that does not exist it will be created. If you enter or browse to the name of a log file that already exists, its contents will be overwritten when you run the Project API Builder.